
The world needs people like you
And you need people like me

Feeling called to start a new chapter in your life?

I believe that each of us has the potential to create the change we want to see in ourselves and in the world. Yet, we often feel stuck, trapped in the belief that we can’t.

The world needs people like you. People gifted with compassion and a desire to make a difference. 

And you need people like me. Someone who will not only help you find the confidence to step up and make that difference, but who also supports you as you create the life you are looking for.

The road you’re taking is not always easy. I know how it feels.

A burnout unexpectedly pushed me in a new direction. I left my career as a lawyer behind and found my true calling as a psychologist.

I would love to tell you that personal growth is a linear process and that you’ll reach what you’re seeking after just a few simple steps.

The reality is different, progress will alternate with fallback.

The beauty of this? 

You become an expert in who you are, in any context.


Academic Kwalifications

Master of Psychology, with high distinction (VUB, 2016)
Master's in Law (KULeuven, 1999)


Leadership Development Profile Authorisation (Harthill)
Growth Edge Coach (Cultivating Leadership, NZ)
Immunity to Change (Minds at Work, Robert Kegan)

Coach Training

ICF Accredited Coach
Certified Professional Coach (ICA, Australia)
The Power of Embodied Transformation (Coaches Rising)
The Art of Developmental Coaching (Coaches Rising)
Postgraduaat Inspirerend Coachen (Arteveldehogeschool)
Stress & Burnout Coach (HRD)

Other Training

Deep Democracy (Levels 1-4, Human Dimensions)
Appreciative Inquiry (Case Western Reserve University)
Professional Trainer (HRD)
Mediation Training (KULeuven, UGent, Mediv)

In the Japanese traditional arts the teacher (coach) is called sensei. Sensei translates as "he or she who has gone before," which points to the importance of having someone who has traveled a path that the coachee/student has not yet traveled. In other words the coach can see things that the coachee has not yet experienced.

- Richard Strozzi-Heckler in 'The Art of Somatic Coaching'

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